Engineering is an application of scientific principles to solve real-world problems. Engineering physicists are engaged more deeply on the scientific end than most.
With UIC's engineering physics major, you will develop a command of physics that will make you especially competitive in roles that require an understanding of science and theory, such as research and development positions.
Engineering physics majors take nine physics courses. After completing General Physics I (which focuses on mechanics) and General Physics II (which is about electricity and magnetism), EP majors delve the scientific method, quantum theory, waves, thermal physics, quantum and theoretical mechanics, experimental physics, and other topics.
Humans are analog beings living in an analog world. That is, all the signals we extract from our sensory inputs (visual, auditory, haptic, olfactory, and environmental) are continuous in time and magnitude. Alternatively, fueled by Moore's scaling law, digitization of most information has become possible. Nowadays, most of the signals are processed and stored in digital formatwith quantized magnitudes and discrete time. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital signal conversion is therefore crucial in all digital devices. Alternatively, processing and storing signals in the analog domain opens unprecedented performance opportunities for next-generation electronic devices. This track will help you acquire analytical tools and intuitive insight required for efficiently analyzing and designing analog systems (amplifiers, filters, analog-to-digital interfaces, and power circuits). You can further broaden your circuit design expertise by coupling this track with courses in digital systems and VLSI. Alternatively, to deepen knowledge in power delivery systems, courses in power electronics, management, and systems should be considered.