Good design has the power to transform and provide lasting solutions that improve our lives. Designers apply creative and open approaches to defining and solving problems, leading to high-quality decisions. This enables businesses and industries to overcome rigid or outdated ways of doing things. Design has applications in the creation and improvement of our cities, buildings, transport networks, furniture, websites, processes, bridges, landscapes and environment. Designers are innovators who enhance the way we live and interact with the world around us. The Bachelor of Design allows you to combine the humanities, sciences and visual and performing arts within a single degree. You can further tailor your skills through breadth study and third-year design specialisations, such as Building Image Modelling (BIM), to expand your core program. You can focus on one or two majors, or complete a major and a minor.
Landscape Architecture is a design profession which provides a unique bridge between design and the environmental sciences. This major explores the practice, theory, history, and long-standing ecological sensibilities of the discipline. Landscape Architecture ranges across all scales of design encompassing large-scale public projects such as the Olympic Parks in Sydney and Beijing, to suburban development, to smaller urban spaces and gardens. Landscape Architecture offers creative opportunities to engage in core ecological, cultural and social issues faced today. Students of Landscape Architecture are attracted to its creativity and diversity, its challenges and demands. In the first two years, the Landscape Architecture Major shares design, technical and history content with other design majors that focus on the introduction and reinforcement of design and representation skills and knowledge. This is complemented with core landscape architecture subjects, that instils ecology proficiency, and culminates in a major specific third year.