Our environment has many faces: cities, wilderness, agricultural lands, the oceans and everything in between. The Master of Environment has many faces too. We offer 12 different streams of study, from climate change to environmental management and science, to public policy, to sustainable cities and more, including a tailored stream that you can design yourself. You’ll develop specialised knowledge and technical skills in an environmental discipline or field of practice, and graduate with the confidence to use this know-how to create positive changes in our environment. Our graduates go on to effect real change in the world.
Education and Social Change is offered as a major field of study in the Master of Environment degree. The creation of sustainable societies depends on fostering social change, whether through education, organisational and policy change or changes or individual behaviour. The Education and Social Change major develops knowledge and skills in education and change processes, enabling graduates to become agents of change within their organizations, communities and institutions, and to foster these skills in others. Students will develop knowledge of historical, philosophical, socio-cultural, and psychological influences on environmental decision making and action. They will develop skills for social transformation for sustainability, drawing on studies in community organisation, project management and conflict resolution, and communication. Students can expect to find employment in positions related to education and social change, such as environmental training officer positions in corporations, government agencies, in consulting companies, in teaching and in development agencies.