The program will appeal to those who want to move into the field of public health, as well as those who already work within a public health or health related field and are preparing for advancement in their organisation or field, or seeking to broaden their knowledge and skill set. Within the course students are exposed to the core foundations of public health theory and practice and also have the opportunity to specialise in the advanced public health training specialisations offered through the University of Melbourne. The Master of Public Health programs at the University of Melbourne are delivered by academic staff with extensive experience and depth of knowledge, who are leaders in their chosen fields of public health.
Students taking subjects from this specialisation will be ready to apply evaluation theory, approaches and methodologies into practice and work as health program evaluator, as a member of an evaluation team locally, nationally andor internationally, in multiple public health program content areas (e.g., child health, mental health, sexual health, global health) and contexts (e.g., primary care, acute care, community care etc) with multiple population groups (e.g., Elderly, CALD, LGBTIQ, Children, People Seeking Asylum etc). Possible roles in the field include program evaluators, health program researchers or program co-ordinators. Organisations that employ people in the health program evaluation, implementation and research field include national, state, local and regional government, health care services, private sector health management consultants, academic institutions, not for profit organisations, and policy advisory organisations.