Economics is about choice and is at the heart of decision-making. Governments, businesses and individuals are all faced with making choices in situations where resources are scarce.Economics is not just a subject, it is a way of thinking, and provides a logical way of looking at a variety of issues. That’s why Otago Economics graduates are so well regarded – they are leading problem solvers and think outside the square. Economics is an exciting, dynamic, contemporary field. Economics affects everyone and applies to a range of disciplines including business, politics, history, law, health sciences and biotechnology. It deals with topics such as unemployment, economic growth, housing, income inequality, international trade, sustainable development and the environment. You name the field, Economics plays a part.
Otago Economics graduates are well known for their wide range of analytical, problem solving and decision-making skills, and are in high demand by employers. There are literally countless jobs for Economics graduates. You could be a policy analyst, a business consultant, an economics researcher, a financial adviser, a diplomat, a teacher, a bank manager or a journalist. An Economics background would also be invaluable for someone contemplating setting up his or her own business.