Take your academic abilities and analytical prowess to the next level in your chosen field of commerce, while developing interdisciplinary knowledge and key practical skills in your preferred scientific passion. This dual program combines thorough understanding in business and commerce with comprehensive knowledge of scientific principles and practices. During the commerce component, you'll build a solid foundation of business skills you can apply to the many challenges of the contemporary business environment. You'll develop your business acumen, financial literacy and data analytical skills while studying majors including accounting, business information systems, business analytics and finance. At graduation, you'll be prepared for many career options in fields like accounting, financial management, banking and information systems. Your science study offers one of the broadest selections of disciplines in Australia, enabling you to develop your interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and practical skills, while pursuing studies that suit your interests and ambitions. You'll also have the chance to gain relevant, real-world experience through employability and work-integrated learning, graduating with highly developed knowledge in your specialist area, superior technical abilities, and advanced independent thinking and communication skills.
Geographical Science investigates the spatial patterns of physical and human phenomena at local, national and global scales. It examines the patterns and processes of natural and built environments and human activity, how they change over time and how they interact. Physical Geography is concerned with the patterns and processes in climate, landforms, soils, plants, animals as well as the impact of human activities on these systems. Human Geography examines how people interact with the environment and about applying physical geography elements to human ends. Human geography involves applied studies in urban and rural settlement, location and land-use, human spatial behaviour and demography. Geographical Information Science is the study of geographic information systems and remote-sensing for modelling, managing, analysing and applying geo-referenced information in a variety of contexts.