Honours in Music provides an opportunity for you to undertake dedicated, advanced work in the areas of music performance, composition, creative music technologies, andor musicology (including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, psychology of music, music sociology, and music education).
You will acquire comprehensive research, technical, analytical, and critical skills as you develop your area(s) of specialisation. Honours in music opens the door to postgraduate study options at national and international centres of music excellence, while at the same time providing you with enhanced employment opportunities in areas such as music performance, music teaching, composing, arranging, producing, arts management, journalism, librarianship, and community music.
Outcomes: Students are able to (1) undertake dedicated, advanced work in the areas of music performance, composition or musicology (historical musicology, ethnomusicology, psychology of music, music sociology and music education); (2) develop in-depth knowledge of a chosen specialist area; and (3) acquisition of comprehensive research, technical, analytical and critical skills that culminate in a public recital, a composition portfolio or a dissertation.