BA Hons Fine Art offers practice-based study within painting, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, performance, lens-based media and history and theory. The Fine Art course reflects and supports the diversity of contemporary art practice including Painting, Video, Photography, Sculpture, Drawing, Performance, Printmaking, Time-based work, and studies in History and Theory. You are taught the practical, philosophical, contextual and professional aspects of art practice through blended learning in studios and online. Studio Practice centres on your development of an art practice. You work in studios under tutorial guidance. Individual tutorials give focused advice and studio critiques encourage the exchange of ideas and the development of critical understanding. Studio spaces are located adjacent to relevant workshops.
Workshops include painting methods, printmaking, wood and metal, moulding and casting, audio-visual and video, photography and plastics. Studio practice includes artwork made in sites, public space, online, through social interaction, as installation, alongside more familiar aesthetic forms. History and Theory increase your knowledge and understanding of historical and contemporary art practices and related ideas and debates. You are taught academic skills and methods and learn to write analytically about art and related concepts. The Library, the largest in Northern Ireland, has a vast stock of art history, criticism and theory books, and catalogues, a wide range of art and design magazines and journals, artist's films, videos, documentaries and cinema, and a unique collection of artists books.
3 year FT degree or 4 year with placement year