Critical geographies allow us to engage with power relations and inequalities that create contemporary societies, spaces, places, environments and lives. It develops a robust critical analysis of power relations and inequalities that define our contemporary and past worlds, in search of improved futures. Hands on, in the field learning includes a choice of fieldtrips, including a Global South option. UCD Geography has an impressive range of engaged international experts leading their fields in Radical scholarship, Anarchism, Geopolitics, Global South, Postcolonialism and Decoloniality, Feminism, Queer, Healthcare and Urban studies. Advised by these world leading scholars, who work with you to engage in ways that develop your analytical, intellectual and practical skills, and informed by cutting edge research, you develop both in-depth contemporary critical geographies
As a bridge between the natural and social sciences, Geography as a discipline is ideally placed to develop flexible and informed global citizens for the workplaces and societies of tomorrow. The popularity of the discipline is due to its relevance to important global, national and local issues such as climate change, inequality, migration, urbanisation and hazard management.
By focusing on the context of environmental, socio-cultural and politico-economic decision-making and their interconnections, geography graduates are well placed to excel in varied careers and contribute effectively to solving some of the most pressing problems of our time.
DURATION:1 Years / 2 Years
NEXT INTAKE:2024/2025 September