The Drama major, taken as part of a Bachelor of Arts degree, combines theory and practice within a well-rounded liberal arts setting. You will be exposed to every aspect of the theatrical process, including acting, clowning, and improvisation, playwriting, directing, production, and design, and critical analysis and theory. Youll also have the opportunity to pursue your own independent project in research and/or practice. The Drama Honors program, taken as part of a BA Honors degree, offers the exceptional student an opportunity for intensive study in theatre history, critical theory, and the creative components of theatre art. Through your research, analysis, and the process of writing an honors essay, you will acquire an excellent foundation for further training as a theatre scholar, critic, dramaturge or director.
BA Honors programs provide a high degree of specialization in one subject area (or in some cases, two areas combined) and demand a higher standard both for admission and ongoing performance in the program. The Faculty of Arts boasts one of the most diverse Arts programs in Canada, offering top quality educational opportunities that prepare students for successful careers in every sector of society. With over 900 distinct courses in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts, you will find an academic pathway for you. Your studies will be enhanced by the rich insights that our nationally and internationally recognized faculty members bring to the classroom through unique insights drawn from their research and advancement of human knowledge. Academic excellence, innovative problem-solving, and experiential learning opportunities beyond the classroom, such as Community Service-Learning and Arts Work Experience programs, will give you the tools to thrive in a diverse and increasingly complex workplace.