Study the processes that occur within all living organisms, including the regulation of functions at the sub-cellular, cellular, tissue, organ, and whole-organism levels, as well as their interactions and integration. Specific areas of study include endocrinology, neurophysiology, developmental biology, immunology, cell signaling, toxicology, and environmental physiology in a wide variety of organisms. The Bachelor of Science with Major is a highly customizable degree program with a wide breadth of topics to study. The degree includes an optional minor or double major. This flexibility allows students to design their degree around two areas of interest, or choose to focus on only one area. Students have the option to keep their program broad or delve deeper into a discipline of their choice. Your minor can be chosen from 60 plus subjects, including many offered by the Faculty of Arts, Native Studies, Business or Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences.
The Faculty of Science at the University of Alberta delivers high-quality programs that investigate, explain, and explore the real science behind issues that affect our daily lives. With 65 degree programs in 30 subject areas, we are one of the most comprehensive science faculties in Canada, with state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities, opportunities for undergraduate research, and professors who are leading researchers in their fields, or one faculty.