The Department of Educational Policy Studies offers master's and doctoral programs in the following specialized areas of study: Adult, Community and Higher Education, Studies in Educational Leadership, Indigenous Peoples Education, and Social Justice and International Studies in Education as well as a graduate certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
The Department of Educational Policy Studies strives to develop critical and creative scholars who have a substantive understanding of the important systemic and contextual factors that bear upon Canadian and international education.
Graduate study in the above specializations is supported by a diverse group of full-time faculty, whose active research and publications (listed on the website at are in the following general areas: aboriginal and indigenous perspectives in education, administration, leadership, and governance, careers and work, cultural, sociological, philosophical, historical, and political analysis of education, educational discourses and systems of thought, educational policy, educational reform, equity, diversity, and inclusivity in education, adult teaching and learning, professional development, and program evaluation, international and global education, and postsecondary education.