The Bachelor of Applied Science with an emphasis in Intelligence & Information Operations prepares graduates for intel-related occupations in defense, law enforcement, and private industry. The curriculum includes both offensive and defensive Intelligence & Information Operations content delivered within our state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Environment to ensure our students have extensive hands-on experiences to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to succeed after they graduate. The Intelligence & Information Operations program offers three degree tracks, both in-person and fully online.
The Law Enforcement Intelligence track is focused on Intelligence driven policing, forensic analysis, and information sharing. The Law Enforcement Intelligence track conforms to major Federal, State, and Local law enforcement agency academic requirements while also meeting the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Intelligence Community - Center of Academic Excellence (IC-CAE) academic requirements.
Analyze the structure and functions of the US national security and intelligence communities, including law enforcement agencies.
Describe and analyze the fundamental components of strategic intelligence, national intelligence policy, the intelligence cycle, and intelligence collection.
Demonstrate mastery of the Core Intelligence Analytic Process, including: defining the problem, generating a hypothesis, determining information needs and gathering data, evaluating sources, testing and evaluating hypotheses, packaging and disseminating the product, and conducting peer review.
Identify and apply tactics, techniques, and procedures used to conduct and defend against Information Operation campaigns.
Demonstrate critical thinking strategies, including: reasoning, problem solving, analysis, and evaluation, through applied mathematics, analytic writing, application of research methods, and advanced briefing skills.
Apply advanced knowledge of the major theories and concepts of intelligence and information operations through an internship, capstone, or supervised research experience.