The program mission is to educate professional counselors to work with persons across the lifespan, including those with disabilities. As such, our program curriculum draws from foundational content in clinical mental health, clinical rehabilitation, and school counseling. Through leadership, advocacy, collaboration, use of data, and action, our graduates will be competent at identifying and overcoming barriers that impede equal access to educational, social, environmental, and career opportunities for all persons. Our graduates will be dedicated to promoting and facilitating the personal achievement, empowerment, and quality of life of all the populations we serve.
The Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling specialization (CLRC) is fully accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs through October 31, 2024.
This specialization prepares graduates for meeting the requirements for the Licensed Associate Counselor (LAC) and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Arizona and other states. It also qualifies them for professional certification as Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). When students pass the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Examination (CRCE), they are immediately eligible for CRC credential and the LAC. It is the specialized training in the ethics of integrative care, rehabilitation, and the complex connections between physical and mental health, including the role of trauma and social determinants of health that provides the skills required to provide diverse services such as psychotherapy and mental health counseling, vocational counseling and forensic assessment. Graduates serve individuals with emotional, developmental, and cognitive disabilities so they can achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in the most integrated setting possible.