The Biosystems Engineering Department welcomes candidates to apply to our Biosystems Analytics & Technology Masters's graduate programs. The Biosystems Engineering Departmental academic programs focus on biological systems and water-related issues such as irrigation and water quality, and biosystems applications, including computer modeling, sensors and controls, and systems design and evaluation. Here are sample curricula for BAT students pursuing an MS.
Our Biosystems Analytics & Technology graduate degree programs are intended to prepare students for careers in the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is the intersection of science, technology, and analytics. Meeting the grand challenges of tomorrow will require a convergence of new ideas, approaches, and technologies from diverse disciplines. Our Biosystems Analytics & Technology graduate programs builds upon the candidate's undergraduate foundation laid in the sciences, technology, and analytics. Graduate students in the BAT graduate program will be able to use those foundational tools to further develop their skills in meeting technology and data challenges in precision agriculture, remote sensing, water management, statistical informatics, data-mining, and cyberinfrastructure development. Given massive unstructured big data streaming from sensors, controls, cloud repositories, and the interactive web, data-driven discovery is now possible.
The goal of the BAT graduate program is to create an inspirational and transformative training experience that integrates intellectual merit with real world hands-on experiences across disciplines (genomics, precision agriculture, data science, and engineering technology), scales (molecules to models), and trainees (from undergraduate students to graduate students). This program will train students to take a systems-level approach to understanding the relationships across food, water, and energy for a sustainable future by providing skills in sensors and remote sensing (data acquisition), statistics and bioinformatics (data management and analytics), and applying these tools to solve real-world problems.
The purpose of the Biosystems Analytics & Technology graduate program is to serve the growing field of technology/biology/analytics. The program will prepare students for an array of career choices from academia to industry, with resume-ready, real-world experience in combining biological, physical, and data sciences with technology and ability to apply these tools to environmental, ecological, biological, agricultural, and human systems through their electives.