We offer high-quality supervision by internationally recognised scholars in areas including educational psychology, education policy, sociology of education, higher education, teaching and learning in schools, professional development, learning in the city, non-formal education, lifelong learning and assessment.
Academic staff include experienced researchers with methodological expertise in advanced quantitative methods, experimental methods, a range of qualitative research methods and mixed methods. You will be part of a large, diverse doctoral community in an atmosphere that is exciting, creative and welcoming.
You can expect:
membership of a research centre, network and/or faculty-wide research group that includes staff and postgraduate researchers,
accredited research methods units,
networking opportunities with other doctoral researchers across disciplines and neighbouring universities through membership of the South West Doctoral Training Partnership and Bristol Doctoral College,
support for developing as a researcher, including attending conferences and publishing research,
opportunities to apply for short-term paid research assistant and teaching assistant roles,
access to professional development and short training courses tailored for postgraduate researchers,
access to a dedicated school library on site, faculty and other University libraries,
modern and well-appointed study spaces within the School of Education and in the wider University,
opportunities to participate in seminars (often featuring national and international visitors), research student seminars, reading groups and specialist methodological workshops.