The transportation planning concentration focuses on planning for urban transportation and land use systems, and interactions of transportation and land use with the built, natural, and social environments. In presenting the social, economic, and environmental implications of transportation and land use plans and policies, and promoting economic efficiency, green transport, resource conservation, and environmental protection, the courses in the concentration are focused around themes of equity, environmental justice, and social welfare. We emphasize the planning and policy challenges encountered by attempting to increase the use of environmentally sustainable travel modes such as walking, cycling and public transit, and the creation of environmentally sustainable land use patterns such as compact growth and transit-oriented development. Topics covered in the core courses include the impacts of transit and highways on urban form and economic development, the impacts of urban form, transit-oriented development and new urbanism on travel behavior, governance, finance, and implementation challenges in making sustainable transport investments, the importance of highway and transit finance, municipal finance, and development finance, the promises and pitfalls of innovative sustainability solutions such as congestion pricing, parking pricing, and master development plans, streets and pedestrian- oriented designs, transportation and land use planning in the developing world, and comparative international transportation and land use policies.