The University of California, Davis offers a full program of study leading to Bachelors (B.S.), Masters (M.S.) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) degrees in Atmospheric Science. Our B.S. program conforms to the national accreditation standards set by the National Weather Service and the American Meteorological Society. The M.S. and Ph.D. programs are overseen by the Atmospheric Science Graduate Group. The M.S. and Ph.D. programs are overseen by the Atmospheric Science Graduate Group. ASGG is composed of facutly and students from across departments and colleges. Collaboration is extensive and encouraged Atmospheric science is the study of the physics, chemistry, and dynamics of the atmosphere and its interrelationship with the hydrosphere and the biosphere.
Students gain advanced knowledge of air quality, meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, micrometeorology, biometeorology, climate dynamics, mesoscale meteorology, large-scale dynamics, and numerical weather prediction. Students graduate with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research and teaching in the chemistry and dynamics of the atmosphere and its interrelationship with the hydrosphere and the biosphere. Our graduate program targets a diverse range of specialties including: Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality, Biometeorology and Micrometeorology, Mesoscale and Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Large-Scale and Climate Dynamics, Computational Geosciences, Extreme Weather, Climate Change Impacts
The Computational Geosciences program at UC Davis focuses on the development and use of regional and global climate and weather models, and associated modeling tools, to build an understanding of atmospheric phenomena and improve weather forecasting systems. Computing power has increased exponentially over the past decade, stimulating a significant burst of new research focused on developing software that can take advantage of the rapidly advancing hardware. In particular, it has become increasingly important to design atmospheric models which are capable of scaling on systems with tens to hundreds of thousands of processors. Hence, significant effort has been directed to the study and application of modern numerical techniques to simulating the atmosphere, developing tools for assimilating observations into predictive models and building algorithms for processing and analyzing large climate datasets.