The MFA in Design is a two-year program that encourages an interdisciplinary approach through research and practice that align with social and environment responsibilities. We offer graduate students a unique opportunity to work with a dedicated and renowned design faculty within one of the nation's top public research universities. And we do our best to fully fund our graduate students through Teaching Assistant (TA) and Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) positions. Students work with outstanding faculty within the Design Department and the greater university. Design faculty expertise includes design theory, exhibition, fashion, history, information, interactivity, interior architecture, immersion, lighting, product, textiles, time-base, visual communication, wearables, and more. Students are encouraged to build connections across campus by working with faculty from the arts and humanities, to social sciences and politics, from biological sciences and agriculture, to the professional schools of medicine, law and veterinary.
Students develop their research and creative practice with an understanding of key design issues within history, theory, research and methodologies. Through a series of core courses, students progress alongside the members of their cohort, while they simultaneously advance their individual theses through upper-division courses, and graduate-level independent and group studies. The MFA core courses include the following: Theory & Issues in Design, Research Methods & Critical Writing for Design, Professional Practice & Ethics in Design, Studio Practice in Design, Studio Practice and Critique and Exhibition Design. The MFA program culminates in a written thesis, thesis project and exhibition.