The Department of Classics is committed to the study of ancient Greece and Rome and their political, social, artistic, and intellectual legacy. The area of inquiry spans more than two thousand years, from the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean Bronze Age (ca. 1700 B.C.E.) to the breakdown of the Roman empire in Late Antiquity (ca. 400 C.E.). The interdisciplinary nature of the program offers its students a broad range of courses in the fields of language, literature, religion, mythology, philosophy, political history, cultural studies, digital humanities, virtual reality, archaeology, art, and film.
An education in Classics offers a unique perspective on relations between the past and the present and cultivates both breadth of knowledge and precision in writing and thinking. Majors and minors gain linguistic and analytical skills that have proved highly useful for careers in law, medicine, business, communications, academia, and the arts. The department's commitment to small class sizes at the upper division level and a distinguished faculty actively engaged in undergraduate teaching have led to high levels of student satisfaction and the admission of Classics majors to top-ranked graduate and professional programs. Please visit our Alumni page to learn more about the graduates of our program.
Students may choose majors or minors in the study of the ancient languages (Greek and/or Latin) or Classical Civilization. We offer majors in Classical Civilization, Greek, Latin, and Greek and Latin. We offer minors in Classical Civilization, Greek, and Latin. Minors require three lower and five upper-division courses in the appropriate area. All four majors offered by the department have been accredited with Capstone status, in recognition of the excellence of the undergraduate education the department offers to its majors.