Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is concerned with the fundamental aspects of computer science and computer engineering. Degrees are offered in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. CSE offers Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Computer Science and in Computer Engineering, providing a research-oriented education in preparation for a research, industrial, or entrepreneurial career. These programs explore both the fundamental aspects and application of computation, spanning theory, software, hardware, and applications. The 37-unit coursework requirement is intended to ensure that students are exposed to (1) fundamental concepts and tools, (2) advanced, up-to-date views in topics outside their area (the breadth requirement), and (3) a deep, up-to-date view of their research area (the elective requirement). Research emphases include Algorithms and Complexity, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Computer Architecture and Compilers, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Data Science, Databases and Information Management, Embedded Systems and Software, High-Performance Computing, Programming Systems, Security and Cryptography, Software Engineering, Systems and Networking, VLSI/CAD.