The B.A. in Earth Science is similar to the B.S. degrees, but allows more flexibility in upper-division Earth Science courses and requires slightly fewer credits. As a B.A. student, you'll be required to take the same pre-major requirements in math, chemistry, physics and introductory Earth Science, and four core upper division courses on field methods (104A), Earth's climate (105), mineralogy (114), and data analysis (134). In addition, students take courses on optical mineralogy and analytical methods (115), sedimentation and stratigraphy (122), and choose 18 units of upper division Earth Science electives. Students are generally encouraged to choose one of the B.S. emphases within the Earth Science major, however, the B.A. is an option for students who want more flexibility within the major or to design a degree that crosses over multiple emphases.
The Department of Earth Science at UCSB conducts many field studies in geographic areas ranging from the tallest mountain peaks of the Himalayas, the wilderness of Antarctica, to the vast undiscovered depths of the ocean floor. Our graduate and undergraduate students participate directly in the excitement of exploring unknown terra incognita. Taught by a distinguished and dedicated faculty (including several members of the National Academy of Sciences and winners of the UCSB Distinguished Teaching Award), students in Earth Science experience the wonder of discovery and come to appreciate and connect to the unfolding planetary drama of which they are part. Because Earth Science students acquire such diverse tools and skills in mapping, analyzing, visualizing, computing, and problem-solving, they are well-prepared for a broad range of careers in the private sector, government, K-12 education, academia, and the industry.