In English Language, you will study the structures and theoretical principles of English and language in general, to understand and analyse spoken and written English discourse in context. This may include investigating sounds, word meanings, sentence structures, discourse analytical principles, child language acquisition, and language variation and change. You will be offered a variety of assessments, which will equip you with the experiences you need to make the most ofemployment opportunities following your degree. Staff have considerable expertise in the areas of sociolinguistics, historical linguistics, child language acquisition, models of grammar, critical discourse analysis, dialectology and comparative linguistics, as well as cutting-edge subjects in linguistics, such as Corpus Linguistics (computer-assisted discourse analysis) and Cognitive Stylistics (how readers' minds process literary and non-literary discourse).
Our Journalism course recognises the value of developing relevant skills throughout your studies with a focus on enhancing your ability to adapt to ever-changing environments within a fast-moving industry. To prepare for this multimedia environment, the practical skills we teach include news research and writing, photography, video, and audio production techniques (including podcasting).In addition to helping our students develop a high level of professionalism, we also place emphasis on key transferable skills, such as written and oral communication. Furthermore, our focus on digital and technical skills prepares you to hit the ground running should you choose to pursue journalism or other related professions as a career.Our team have an extensive range of experience in journalism, ranging from newspapers and magazines to radio and television.