Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior. It considers how societyinfluences individuals, and how individuals influence society. Sociologists describe and explain the actions of persons, groups, organizations, classes and entire societies. They also design and evaluate social programs and public policy. The study of sociology includes social theory, research methods, social stratification, race relations, social change, criminology, demography, sex roles, religion, social psychology and human ecology.
The undergraduate sociology program at CU Boulder leads to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. It requires courses in social theory, research methods and statistics plus a variety of elective courses dealing with social structure, human culture, individual interactions and social change. The survey methods course emphasizes quantitative social research and teaches sampling, interviewing, measurement, computer methods and statistical analysis. The field methods course emphasizes qualitative social research. It teaches intensive interviewing, participant observation, coding qualitative data and report writing. Undergraduate field research has been done in settings such as jails, hospitals, religious organizations, corporations, unions, safe houses, mediation programs and protest demonstrations.