Language is central to all human activity, from important negotiations between nation states to doctor-patient interaction, to spontaneous conversations in caf's. Through your study of language, you come to understand the nature of human social life.
Foundational modules in the first and second year will teach you how to analyse linguistic sound systems, word structure, sentence structure, meaning and language use, and apply your knowledge to the analysis of English. You will then be able to make informed choices about areas of English or Linguistics you want to study in greater depth through study options, such as: Phonetics, English around the World
Language and the Mind, Conversation and Social Interaction, Institutional Talk, English Language in the Media
Studying language and linguistics allows you to develop your research and IT skills by collecting and analysing linguistic data using state-of-the-art technology, and a combination of team-work and independent projects enhances your communication, problem-solving, and management skills.
Our graduates have gone on to have careers in a wide variety of fields, including teaching, journalism, advertising, marketing, travel, communications, publishing, speech and language therapy, and business administration.