Our course provides a thorough training in the major areas of sociology and human rights. Growing your understanding of both fields, and developing a wide array of practical research skills, you are encouraged to explore and address the broadest questions about our society. You cover the many different social tensions, interactions and networks that make up everyday life, as well as the definition, development, and abuse of rights around the globe. With an impressive range of optional modules to choose from, you can engage your curiosity about a wide range of topics such as: Forms of democracy, Principles and practices of human rights, Ethics and public policy
You also have the opportunity to complete a supervised dissertation on a topic that inspires you, encouraging you to think differently and connect with live issues and debates, and preparing you for your graduate career.
A good sociology course, especially one from a recognised centre of excellence like Essex, opens many doors.
Our students are in demand from a wide range of employers in a host of occupations, including local and central government, NGOs, social work, market research, project management, fundraising, auditing, marketing, case-work, youth and community work, voluntary sector management and lobbying.