We perform fundamental research and develop technologies for improving human health. Ongoing research includes studies of nanoparticle-biological interactions, cellular mechanics, engineering of proteases and CRISPR-Cas systems, development of new types of sensors, and new materials for biomedical applications.
The Ph.D., M.E., and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering require course work in three core areas The chemical engineering basis area, consisting of three core courses in the mathematical, the molecular, and the continuum bases of chemical engineering. The chemical engineering science and systems area, consisting of a selection of courses in such areas as transport phenomena, electrochemical engineering, thermodynamics, kinetics, reaction engineering, process control, separation processes, and heat and mass transfer. The research specialty area, consisting of courses designed to build depth in a field of specialization. Courses may be from other academic units, or may be chemical engineering courses such as colloid science, corrosion, polymer science, advanced materials, and biochemical engineering.