입학 요건 University Of Florida
Some successful applicants enter the department after majoring in religious studies as undergraduates, although others may come from other fields. In most instances doctoral applicants hold a master's degree from this or other religious studies programs, a theological school, or another program closely related to their Ph.D. specialization.
Applicants with a bachelor's degree only, a minimum grade point average of B (3.0), calculated from all grades and credits after the semester where the applicant reached 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours is required.
A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or curriculum, an overall average grade of B or better for the junior and senior years, satisfactory score on the Aptitude Test (Verbal and Quantitative) of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), with 'satisfactory generally taken to mean a combined total of 1000 or better, for applicants whose native tongue is not English, a satisfactory score on TOEFL (Testing of English as a Foreign Language), with a 'satisfactory taken to mean 550 or better (or 213 or better on the computer-based test conversion score).
Three references from persons competent to evaluate the applicant's potential for graduate work, 2) An essay of three to five double-spaced, typewritten pages identifying the applicant's goals and particular interests pertinent to the six available fields of study (this essay is extremely important and applicants should attend to it carefully), 3) beyond these requirements, applicants need to show clear evidence of solid preparation before admission. This usually includes formal study of the primary language in the area of specialization. A minimum score of 304 on the GRE (1100 on the old scale, with 163 on the verbal portion [650 on the old scale]) and a writing sample is also required. 4) In addition to evidence of preparation and academic promise, the department gives careful consideration to the fit between an applicant's central scholarly interests and the resources the department and university have to offer.
For applicants from countries where English is not the ofcial language, a minimum score on one of these English Language Skills tests, IELTS - 6.0,TOEFL IBT- 80, PBT- 550.
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Further information
If you aren't eligible for the above entry requirements, you might ant to explore pathway options at University Of Florida. If you want to find out more, speak to our counsellors.