Health Data Science is a rapidly growing discipline, where skilled people are in extremely high demand from industry due to data-led innovations across the sector. Health related data are generated from many sources including observational studies, clinical trials, computational biology, medical records, individual monitoring devices, health care claims, genetic and genomic epidemiology, environmental health, sports science and climate change. The aim of the programme is to train a new generation of world-leading health data scientists with the essential statistical and computing skills needed to become data science specialists in the health care, biopharmaceutical and medical technology sectors. This conversion MSc can be tailored around your skills, experience and interests to provide flexible opportunities for those with either strong quantitative backgrounds, or those with an interest in Healthcare that wish to develop their data science and data analytics skills. Graduates will develop the key statistical and computing skills needed to design studies, analyse, interpret and translate research findings to evaluate health interventions, services, programmes, and policies.
Career Opportunities
Data science skills are in unprecedented demand from many industries, particularly in Healthcare. From precision medicine, to next generation genomics, to individualised monitoring devices the growth in data collection and data-led decision making is revolutionising service delivery. Graduates of the MSc in Health Data Science will develop the key statistical and computing skills needed to design studies, analyse, interpret and translate research findings to evaluate health care interventions, services, programmes, and policies.
The graduates of this programme will be equipped with a skill set that is in high demand in the Healthcare, Pharma, MedTech, Biomedical, Sport Science and Health Insurance sectors as well as in academia.