The Toxicology program has students across campus in Physiology & Pharmacology, Environmental Health Science, Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences, Animal & Dairy Sciences, Crop & Soil Sciences, Forestry & Natural Resources, Veterinary Biomedical & Diagnostic Imaging
The college is slated to be one of the nation's leading centers for research, teaching and outreach on such environmental issues as species protection, preservation of natural resources, urban design and development, and global climate change. The heart of the college, says Crowley, will be the Academy of Environmental Designthe administrative home for the college's faculty. All UGA faculty members who have a professional interest and needed skills in various environmental issues will be eligible to be in the academy regardless of their academic discipline. In addition to scientists in such areas as botany, biology, forestry & natural resources, ecology, soil science and marine science, the academy could include professors in landscape architecture, business, sociology, law, journalism and other non-science areas and private industry. Members of the academy will continue to work in their home departments. As faculty in the academy, they will also coordinate and offer courses, degree programs and certificate programs in environmental areas not covered in existing units. Our mission is to research, teach and communicate new and existing knowledge about the built and natural environment to promote innovative planning, preservation, protection, restoration and responsible development of natural and cultural resources.