The Masters in Inclusive Education considers learner diversity, including disability, gender, poverty, and addresses global priorities in education, such as inclusion and equity, according to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This programme has been developed to encourage practitioners to develop and deepen their knowledge and experience in the area of inclusive education by critically engaging with research, policy and practice. Our courses will support learners to critically engage with the concepts of Special and Inclusive Education, Additional Support for Learning (ASL), Special Educational Needs (SEN) with a view to develop practitioners who are committed to the development of equitable and socially just education contexts.
Our research-informed courses cover topics such as disability, autism, behavior, labelling, gifted and talented, dyslexia, inclusive pedagogy, curriculum, Universal Design for Learning, equity and educational disadvantage.The award recognises the enhanced, significant, sustained and reflective enquiry you have undertaken, and the development of your professional learning in a particular area. The learning processes are intended to assisting practitioners to gain confidence in their ability to create positive, inclusive environments for learners in current, rapidly changing educational contexts. The programme has been designed to meet the needs of national and international practitioners who can complete their degrees as full-time or part-time students. You can tailor research projects to provide the maximum relevance and benefit to your interests and work.
Courses are delivered through a combination of lecture and seminar sessions which encourage practitioners to reflect on their experiences and to critically engage with theory, research, policy and practice. The diverse student population (home and international students who are class teachers from early years to secondary level, special education professionals, head teachers, education administrators, Higher Education lecturers) creates rich learning environments where we aim to create an inclusive ethos, in which collaboration, peer and active learning play a key role.