United Kingdom
Masters Degree (Taught)
지속 기간
1 Year(s)
다음 입학시기
22 September 2025
수업료에 관한 내용은 참고용으로만 사용해주세요 정확한 비용을 알기 위해
Duration: 1 Year(s)
Fees: 0
학기 | Location |
Semester 1 (September), 2025 | Glasgow |
2.1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent in any subject, with at least one course in introductory finance or economics and school level Mathematics, or at least one course in university level mathematics. Only applications that meet or exceed our stated entry requirements will go forward for consideration. Any application that does not will be automatically rejected. Applicants will be made offers based on their relative performance compared to other applicants, taking into account both current GPA, or degree classification, and the relevance of an applicant’s academic background. Please note, applications that meet our minimum entry requirements may still be rejected, based on its score in comparison to other applications received during the same round. Please review our stated entry requirements to ensure you meet or exceed them before submitting your application.
지원 마감일이 없습니다. IDP 유학전문 카운셀러에게 문의하기 더 자세한 정보를 위해
If you aren't eligible for the above entry requirements, you might ant to explore pathway options at University of Glasgow. If you want to find out more, speak to our counsellors.
절차 1
Choose the best three courses you’re most likely to pursue.
절차 2
Get an instant in-principle offer for courses with the IDP FastLane tag.
절차 3
Fill out the form once and use it to apply to multiple courses.
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