Our research degree (MPhil/PhD) allows you to undertake rigorous and critical exploration in the area of work, employment, human resource management and organisational behaviour with support from an expert supervisor.
Our MPhil/PhD programme involves producing a substantial piece of original work in your chosen field. Unlike taught courses, this degree places greater emphasis on research and an original contribution to knowledge. You attend courses in your first year to develop the advanced research skills for gathering, analysing and presenting quantitative and qualitative data. Our experts can supervise research students across these areas, including
Equality, Diversity and inclusion at work - multiple inequalities, in-work poverty, income and pay distribution, gender and ethnic pay gaps.
Democratic Governance at work - whistle blowing, business ethics and professionalism. Representation, voice and organisation at work, individual and collective conflict.
The quality of work and labour standards - working time and intensification, technology, digitalisation and robotisation, work-life boundaries and balance, training, coaching, mentoring. Employment rights. Modern slavery.
Sustainability and climate change: green jobs, the role and structure of public services and public finance internationally. The environmental, social, economic and political aspects of privatisation and liberalisation in water, energy, waste management, health care and social care (PSIRU).
Health and Safety at work in the context of Covid-19 and future pandemics, stress and mental health.