Our program addresses both theory and application of key organizational topics spanning industrial-organizational psychology, leadership, management, and organizational behavior. This program has a STEM designation Our Master of Science in Organizational Psychology (MSOP) program builds expertise in the theory, research, and practical application of key topics in industrial-organizational psychology that impact people in organizations.
The MSOP empowers students to develop core knowledge and skills in critical thinking, analysis, communication, consultation, and leadership needed to enhance organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. Learn to promote teamwork and manage positive change while fostering a culture of inclusion and belonging in the workplace Help companies increase employee satisfaction and motivation, support and retain talent, develop positive cultures, strategically support performance, and more
The MSOP prepares you to lead, manage, and consult with dynamic and diverse organizations operating in a global environment. Our curriculum provides a core foundation in organizational psychology, aligned with the Guidelines for Education and Training from the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP). The variety of electives offered, in combination with a core foundation in organizational psychology, enables you to tailor your graduate experience to your individual and professional needs. Elective courses may also be taken in the Department of Psychology, School of Communication, or Barney School of Business for cross-disciplinary opportunities and perspectives, including health psychology, integrated communications, entrepreneurship and business analytics.