The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering offers graduate programs leading to degrees in Mechanical Engineering at both the master’s and doctoral levels. In addition, the department offers a program leading to the Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; consult the appropriate section of the catalog for more information.The department offers a broad range of courses in the field of mechanical engineering. A rich array of research topics of contemporary interest are structured into four major interdisciplinary research areas of emphasis: Biomedical and Biotechnology, Microsystems and Nanotechnology, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Energy and Environment. Some examples of specific research focus areas within these emphasis areas include micronanoelectromechanical systems (MEMSNEMS), micronanomanipulation, nanoparticles, nanofluidics, microtransducers and micromechanisms, electrospinning, acoustics, dynamics and vibration, medical imaging and diagnostics, biomechanics and computational mechanics, product design, mechatronics and automatic control, multi-body systems and vehicle dynamics, IC engines, combustors, plasma, combustion, heat transfer, turbulence, multi-phase flows, and molecular dynamics and air pollution control.