The field of bioinformatics encompasses a wide range of research efforts that aim at gaining insights into biological processes through the development and implementation of repositories and tools, and the computational and statistical analysis of biological information. Computational, informatics, statistical, and mathematical resources and technologies are integrated to organize, analyze, and visualize biological data at multiple levels of organization, from molecules and phenotypes to populations and ecosystems. The Bioinformatics Area of the Ph.D. in Informatics fosters the academic, research, and intellectual development of students on bioinformatics theory and applications important for our understanding biological patterns and processes in the living world, including human, model and agricultural species, and microbes of economic or medical importance. This Area incorporates coursework in multiple disciplines related to bioinformatics including omic themes (i.e. genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, comparative omics), phylogenetics, molecular evolution, evolutionary genomics, statistical genetics, statistical genomics, systems and network biology, quantitative genetics, structural biology, biotext mining, and e-science.