Studying for a PhD in Education will allow you to become an expert in a specialist area and gain high-quality research training, which will equip you to undertake further educational research projects. As a PhD candidate, you will carry out original research work under the guidance of one or more supervisors. An initial priority for a doctorate degree is refining your research plan and establishing a feasible timescale for the project. During the early part of the PhD programme, you will embark on various research methods modules to support your research activities. We award the Doctor of Philosophy degree on the basis of a PhD thesis in which you present the rationale, methods and findings from your original study.
Language education happens in any setting in which people of diverse linguistic, educational, cultural or social biographies communicate with one another through spoken, written or multimodal interaction. Much of this exchange happens in settings of formal education, in classrooms, schools, higher education institutions, digital platforms or adult education centres in which language instruction is a primary goal. But language education concerns are also relevant outside of formal education, when people learn to negotiate, honour or resolve their differences in their daily lives, in school yards, university residence halls, families, museums, galleries, churches, orchestra rehearsals, cafes, sports halls, village fairs or city markets. CLER is interested in investigating the role of language and its educational consequences for people and communities in all these settings.