At the University of Limerick, we deliver an Arts Degree which is flexible and wide-ranging, offering 16 subjects in all. You can study a combination of subjects (as Single Honours or Joint Honours) from across the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: from familiar arts subjects such as English, French, German, or History, to newer subjects such as, Digital Culture and Communications or Linguistics with TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). The UL curriculum is unique as it includes cooperative education/work experience and a study abroad placement as compulsory elements of the degree. Students will spend one semester undertaking cooperative education/work experience and one semester studying abroad.
Employability skills from this degree -
Understanding, assessing and evaluating issues, Organising and working to deadlines, Reading text to pick out the essential points, Absorbing and retaining large amounts of information, Writing well in a variety of formats, Conveying meaning precisely, Conducting research and evaluating sources, leading and participating in discussions, working independently, Developing opinions, proposing ideas and theories, Debating and persuading, Drawing conclusions from statistical research objectively, Confidence in formulating opinions, Critical thinking and creativity.