Animation and Visual Effects at Lincoln offers an introduction to the innovative world of animation and visual effects through moving image, digital visualisation, and contemporary narrative. The course enables students to develop into creative animators and artists with the flexibility to practise their craft in a variety of media. It covers a range of skills, including the fundamentals of animation, storytelling, performance, design, drawing, 3D modelling, 2D and computer-generated animation, compositing, animation theory, and the production of short films. The Lincoln School of Film and Media has had success at the Royal Television Society awards. In 2019, student film Papier won Best Animation at the awards. The animation was made by students Tabitha Lay, Emily Leaning, Katie Thomas, Natasha Ray, and Charlie Bartlett. Student animations Harlem Nocturne and Uplifted were also nominated in the Best Animation category at the awards. This degree aims to equip graduates for careers in animation and computer games artistry, and as 3D artists who work in visual effects, broadcast, commercial production, and visualisation. Our graduates have secured jobs with leading practitioners across the animation industries including TT Games, Tandem Films, Lupus Films, Double Negative, Cinesite and Framestore CFC. Lincoln graduates have worked on films such as The Tiger Who Came to Tea, Ethel and Ernest, The Snowman and the Snowdog, The Jungle Book, Man of Steel, Inception, Wonder Woman, and the featurette We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
3 years (4 years with Foundation Year)