The Computer Science Department's graduate program is ranked among the top in the nation and in the top ten among public universities. Both M.S. and Ph.D degrees are offered, and almost all full-time students receive financial aid in the form of assistantships, fellowships, and grants. The Department has strong research programs in the following areas: artificial intelligence, computer systems and networking, database systems, programming languages, software engineering, scientific computing, algorithms and computation theory, computer vision, geometric computing, graphics, human-computer interaction, and bioinformatics.
The University of Maryland has one of the oldest and largest research groups in computer vision in the US. The Center for Automation Research (CFAR) was founded in 1964 by computer vision pioneer Azriel Rosenfeld, and CFAR still houses a large and thriving computer vision community, consisting of almost a dozen faculty and roughly fifty graduate students. Research at UMD addresses every aspect of computer vision, featuring work in areas such as Face Recognition, Vision for Robotics, 3D Reconstruction, Image Segmentation, and Visual Classification. Much of this work explores the use of Big Data and Deep Learning in Computer Vision. The work at UMD is quite interdisciplinary, drawing students and faculty from CS, ECE and Applied Math, and forming close collaborations with other areas of computer science such as Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Robotics, and Optimization.