The Department of History offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. In conjunction with the College of Information Studies, the Department of History also offers a dual-degree Master of Arts in History and Library Science. In conjunction with the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation the Department of History also offers a dual-degree Master of Arts in History and Historic Preservation. Major fields of concentration for the MA and PhD programs are: Ancient Mediterranean, Medieval, Early Modern Europe, Modern Europe, Global Interaction and Exchange, International, Jewish, Latin America, Middle East, Russia & Eurasia, Technology, Science, & Environment, the United States, and Women & Gender. MA-only fields are: Africa and Military. The graduate program, which includes over fifty regular faculty members and approximately 150 degree-seeking students, excels in the following subfields: African-American, US, and Middle East. Other areas of established strength are Western and Central Europe, Russia and Eurasia, Ancient Mediterranean, Latin American, and Women & Gender. More recently, the following fields have emerged as centers of growing faculty strength and are attracting increasing numbers of students and faculty: Atlantic history, the African diaspora, and Global Interaction and Exchange.
Graduate students may concentrate in this field while pursuing an MA or PhD in history. Ours is a lively and flourishing community of students, distinguished faculty members, affiliated scholars within the University of Maryland, visiting fellows, and guest speakers. Institutional resources in the field, both on campus and in the greater Washington/Baltimore area, are outstanding. The key strengths and interests of the College Park group are in nineteenth and twentieth century developments, particularly in the United States and Europe. We also encourage interests that extend beyond this range, both geographically and chronologically, although instructional offerings may be limited.