This program leads to a Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership with a specialization in Technology, Learning, and Leadership. The Technology, Learning, and Leadership specialization is designed to prepare students to become scholars and leaders in the study and design of learning technologies. This specialization is truly cross-disciplinary, drawing together students with diverse interests in teaching and learning, policy and leadership, but who share a focus on exploring the impact of technology on education. Graduates will be prepared to develop innovations in research, teaching, assessment, and leadership through the use, design, and understanding of learning technologies. They will be qualified to conduct research, teach and be leaders in diverse settings, including universities, formal and informal learning environments, and policy organizations. Students design a program with their advisor that incorporates a core cluster of technology-focused courses, in addition to discipline-based courses drawn from other specializations within the department. Students can choose to concentrate on learning to design technology environments, learning to critically evaluate their impact on education or some combination. Faculty members who are affiliated with this specialization have research interests and expertise in virtual worlds for learning, design methodologies, learning sciences, and online learning. Faculty members situate their work in a variety of fields including science education, young people's identity development, and education policy and evaluation.