The M.A. is intended primarily as a two-year program for full-time students. A very limited number of part-time students would also be admitted. It will provide students with rigorous, comprehensive training in the theory and research of second (including foreign) language learning, teaching and testing, and related areas. A major program focus includes preparation for those working, or intending to work, in programs for tertiary students and adults studying less commonly taught languages (LCTLs), e.g., East-Asian and Middle-Eastern languages, and such modern European languages as Spanish, French, Italian and German. Areas of particular faculty expertise include cognitive processes in SLA, language teaching methodology and pedagogy, psycholinguistics, language processing, individual differences in such factors as age, aptitude, and working memory, second language analysis, interlanguage studies, heritage learners, needs analysis, syllabus design, materials writing, learner training, language assessment, program evaluation, second language research methods, task-based language teaching, and uses of technology in language learning and testing.