The Plant Science (PLSC) graduate program is a diverse and dynamic program that prepares graduates for careers that address issues facing modern-day society. The program offers Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. The program offers training in diverse concentrations that include Agronomy, Cell Biology, Functional Genomics, Molecular Physiology, Conservation Biology and Ecology, Pathology, Food Safety and Quality, and Landscape Ecosystems Management. Students are trained and mentored by graduate faculty with a focus on interdisciplinary education, mastery and application to their chosen area of study. All PLSC graduate training is thesis-based, and an emphasis is placed on research, discovery learning and critical thinking, rather than coursework. Students work directly with internationally-recognized graduate faculty who are leaders in their disciplines. Students are guided in their studies by a major professor as well as a graduate advisory committee selected by the student from experts on campus, at nearby research institutions, and at other universities. The goal of the Plant Science graduate program is to (1) provide students with the skills in generating, analyzing and interpreting quantitative and qualitative information, using inductive and deductive reasoning, and communicating in both verbal and written form, (2) train the next generation of plant science researchers using cutting edge methodologies and approaches to lead public and private efforts to provide a secure, safe and nutritious food and fiber supply, maintain and restore ecosystems, combat the challenges of climate change on our food and fiber supply, and provide high quality plant science education, (3) advance knowledge in plant sciences that is critical to the improvement of the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of global and national agricultural and natural resources. The Plant Science graduate program seeks to maximize the close association of the many national laboratories (USDA, FDA, NASA, NIST, NIH, DOE, etc.) through collaborations and cooperative agreements with the department and the University of Maryland. As a result, graduates of the program are particularly well trained for employment in research and leadership positions in the public and private sectors.