The Undergraduate Certificate program is a 21-credit program open to all undergraduate students that provides interdisciplinary coursework designed to explore Latin American and Caribbean cultures, democracy, governance, civil society, labor, gender, art, literature, ethnicity and migration. Students take four required courses and select three other courses from an approved list to address their individual areas of interest. In addition, all students must demonstrate competence in either Spanish, Portuguese, or another language with permission. The Undergraduate Certificate strengthens the intellectual breadth and depth of Maryland students, especially those majoring in fields that are identified as possessing particular importance for the State of Maryland, such as STEAM, multilingualism, multicultural education, healthcare, and sustainability. The Certificate nurtures a globally-conscious citizenry and grows a well-trained, professional workforce prepared to succeed in areas such as international business and finance, marketing, communications, ecological and environmental studies, government and diplomacy, law, development, education, literary arts and cultural expression.