This concentration leads to both Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Environmental Conservation (ECo) and is designed for students who want scientific training in the multi-disciplinary field of water, wetlands and watershed conservation. The focus of this concentration is broadly on water resources but encompasses specialized training in fields such as wetlands, hydrology, nonpoint source pollution, modeling, ecosystems, water resource management, watershed sciences, economics, climatic impacts, and water-related policy. There are many options for specialized training within this concentration. For example, students may choose to specialize in wetlands, where they will gain an understanding of wetland ecology, including hydrology, soils, plants, and wildlife, field methods for wetland
delineation and functional assessment, and public policy relating to state and federal wetland regulatory programs. Or, for example, students may choose to specialize in watershed science and management, where they will gain an understanding of the science underlying a watershed system and develop technical skills in integrated watershed management. More specifically, students will develop a comprehensive under-standing of the interrelated components of watersheds, including: land cover, hydrology, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, socioeconomic processes, pollutant transfer, institutions, communities, and economic growth.