The science, technology and society specialization allows students to focus on the public understanding of science and the societal implications of science and technology.
SPP graduates who specialize in science, technology and society will be prepared to pursue careers in a wide variety of government agencies and departments, nonprofits, consulting firms, and research institutions.
Courses for this specialization are offered through numerous departments and schools across campus, including Community Health, Sociology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Philosophy, Anthropology, Management, and Food Sciences.
The MPPA curriculum will provide you with a strong analytical foundation that can be applied to a wide variety of policy issues. You'll complete core courses in areas such as public management, economics in public policy, analysis, and statistical methods. Through electives, you can hone your degree to best suit your personal interests and professional goals. Choose from subjects like negotiations, makerspace leadership, social and environmental enterprises, public policy, racism, and patriarchy. Students also gain real-world experience through a required summer internship, senior capstone project, and a professional development seminar.
The science, technology and society specialization allows students to focus on the public understanding of science and the societal implications of science and technology. SPP graduates who specialize in science, technology and society will be prepared to pursue careers in a wide variety of government agencies and departments, nonprofits, consulting firms, and research institutions. Courses for this specialization are offered through numerous departments and schools across campus, including Community Health, Sociology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Philosophy, Anthropology, Management, and Food Sciences. Students will also have the opportunity to pursue individual interests through CPPA independent studies and will be supported by the Science, Technology and Society Initiative.