Combine archaeological methods, historical research, and cultural analysis to bring the past to life. In the Master of Arts in Historical Archaeology, you will spend two to three years in a program that prepares you for a career as an academic, professional archaeologist, or related anthropological/social science fields. Our program draws on anthropological archaeology, historical anthropology, and other disciplines. We offer you a rich venue for engaging with diverse research topics and data sources, frequently in community-engaged and collaborative contexts.
In this program, you will:
Develop advanced knowledge of archaeological theories, methods, and fieldwork techniques, enabling you to effectively excavate, analyze, and interpret historical artifacts and sites, and reconstruct the stories of past communities
Gain expertise in historical research, archival analysis, and material culture studies, allowing you to integrate historical records with archaeological evidence, and develop a comprehensive understanding of the social, economic, and cultural contexts of past societies
Cultivate critical thinking, ethical awareness, and communication skills, empowering you to engage with diverse stakeholders, effectively communicate research findings, and contribute to public discourse on heritage preservation and cultural interpretation