The Crime & Justice Studies (CJS) program brings together the fields of criminology, criminal justice, and justice studies. Bridging the social sciences and humanities, CJS specializes in the study of the criminal justice system's history, policies, politics, and procedures. Our multidisciplinary program meets the needs of undergraduate students interested in entering the fields of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, probation, parole, social services, youth services, public policy, research, non-profit, and non-governmental or community organizations. All students are required to complete a senior year internship to explore career options, gain real-world experience, network, and develop professional skills. Students pursuing the BA in Crime & Justice Studies: develop comprehensive perspectives on the various and, at times, conflicting expectations that exist within the institutions and agencies that comprise and work with the criminal justice system. engage in cross-agency dialogues within the classroom before they enter the workforce. learn to identify and analyze structural, institutional, and transnational violence. gain knowledge and skills toward understanding and transforming injustice. prepare themselves to contribute to the improvement of their communities and society. Our graduates have careers in law enforcement, courts, corrections, public administration, law, social services, youth services, nonprofit or non-governmental agencies, and community organizations. A growing number of CJS graduates have gone on to complete graduate degrees in law, master's, and various doctoral programs.