The RC Social Theory and Practice Major supports students in developing the analytical and practical skills necessary for active engagement in the world and for building careers that promote equality and responsible citizenship. Faculty whose work encompasses sociology, political science, history, anthropology, economics, education, environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, geography, and psychology provide students with multi-disciplinary approaches to current issues in U.S. society and the global environment. Students learn theories, methods, and strategies that enable them to understand and critique social structures and processes and to become effective actors in struggles for justice. They take core courses together, and create individual major plans tailored to their specific interests. Recent STP concentrators have pursued such topics as Health Policy in the United States, Tracking Globalization in Detroit, Juvenile Justice in the U.S. and Senegal, Urban Youth Empowerment, 'Sustainable Agriculture in Michigan and Cuba, Peace, Policy, and Public Health, and Community Dialogues. The STP Major Advisor advises students about requirements and course options, tracks their progress through the major, and signs release forms. The student's faculty mentor is an intellectual guide and companion who shares the student's academic interests. STP students are linked with an initial faculty mentor during the semester they submit a major proposal (See c below), however a student might have multiple faculty mentors over the years.